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Solar concentration, accumulation and integration

Solar high-temperature flat concentrator (MiniCSP)
+ Heat accumulator for the house (HomeTES)

We have designed and are implementing a new solar technology

A solar concentrator and a heat accumulator for it, for accumulating solar thermal energy and using it at the right moment for heating the house, heating water, electricity generation. Ecological, alternative, energy-saving project.

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Energy capacity of TES up to 5MW*h

(1MW*h = 100m3 of natural gas)

TES temperature up to 800'C

The recommended CSP area is 20m2

Retention of heat in TES for up to 3 months

The service life of CSP is 40 years, TES is 100 years

The goal of the project is to provide consumers with thermal energy for home heating, hot water, cooking, and electricity generation




Sergii Izchytskyi



Veronika Lasavuts



Sergii Baraban


Yuri Danilov

Software developer

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